Thursday, July 12, 2007

South Dakota: The New Bible Belt

I was sad to hear that s. dakota went through with it's first execution in 60 years yesterday. What the hell is going on with s. dakota? They outlawed abortion statewide last year, and by a landslide. The majority of school districts have instilled stiff regulations on sex education, emphasizing the criminal penalties associated with 'unlawful sexual acts,' and encouraging 'self control' and waiting until marriage as STI/pregnancy prevention. Last year, a bill was introduced in s. dakota to increase 'intellectual diversity' on college campuses after a senator proclaimed that these college campuses have an overabundance of social sciences, and "newer programs such as feminist studies," and not enough engineering and chemistry. And let's not forget Bill Janklow and his reckless driving that killed a man.

I'd expect it from the bible belt, but s. dakota is a little too close to home...


Scooter said...

You are the Bible Belt - it goes N/S, not E/W. Go see PZ's post with the map (he's a biology prof in Morris).

Deby said...

Yup something I don't understand... You can't kill a baby, but it's ok to kill adults. I don't get the logic.

LissyJo said...

That's one scary map...MN looks awful red, and the aforementioned bible belt doesn't look red at all! What the....

Oh, i know CTM: If you're going to be "pro-life," be pro-life all the way.

Anonymous said...

I gotta agree with that map - ever since the abortion law happened over there, I've been keeping a good distance every time I see a S Dakota plate on a car. Someone once said to me that, with the current administration being in the office, many of the midwestern red people emerged without the usual embarrassment they used to feel for being un-enlightened... it's like a Coming-out era for the closet reds....

Anonymous said...

Having a side of the family with South Dakota roots and liberal tendencies to a person, I know that liberals do exist there. Then again, they have all moved elsewhere or passed away long ago, so maybe that in itself says something about the political climate.

I know my grandma could get pretty ornery about the political goings on there. So annoyed she went from being a registered Republican to a hardcore Democrat when Reagan showed up on the national political scene.