She has survived her first few days in day care. Due to bad planning, we returned from oz on friday evening and i started back at work on monday. It's been going well. Her first day, i told the teacher she tends to be high needs and likes to be held and hasn't really fallen asleep without being nursed or held. I also left enough breastmilk to feed the whole center. During my one of 3 check in calls/emails during the day, the teacher told me she would describe the baby as "easy going." Surely they were describing the wrong baby.
Being back at work has been a good thing. I really enjoy what i do and it hasn't been as traumatic as i had expected.
Ummm, those cheeks... those cheeks. How can one resist kissing those cheeks? OMG. And I thought Toddler was FREAKING cute. (She still is but no more BABY chubby cheeks...)
Geez, woman. Too bad you have a shortage of ADORABLE offspring! I mean, really. Argh!
I can only agree with you. Our children *are* pretty darn cute. hehe
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