Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Warning:

The baby turns 1 next week, and we will celebrate by having a traditional korean tol. I will also prepare her a processed sugar free carrot cake and instead of serving this super yummy cake to everyone, we will be getting a "regular" cake for all the non-babies. I was discussing the whole 2-cake birthday situation to amelie and she informed me that there will be only one cake for her birthday, and it will be too spicy for me because it will be a kimchi cake. She insists that we bake it with kimchi inside and on top of the cake with a big "4" candle.

Hmmm....I'm tempted. You've been warned.


Scooter said...

Yeesh. Remind me to bring my own cupcakes in my pocket. You're probably going to tell her "no" because you like it when she's bored.

Anonymous said...

Good for Scooter bring her a cupcake! Grandpa

Anonymous said...

Why do you insist on your children being bored? Amelie's interest in a kimchi cake is obviously a cry for excitement - or least a break from the boredom ;) Maybe a sauerkraut pie might be a reasonable compromise?

I think your brother should bring a couple of Pixie Stix with the cupcakes for good measure. They can sprinkle the Stix on the cupcakes...