Thursday, May 8, 2008

Life Goes On

My lack of posting does not reflect a lack of things to keep me busy. Here are a few snippits of what's been going on: May Day Parade, building breastfeeding clinical group visit at work, running again, thoughts of ragbrai '09, Buster's, urgent care shifts, 3 yr old art classes, King of Kong, a new jody piccoult novel, studying fo IBCLC (certified lactation consultant) exam, paying attention to my diet, and wiping sniffly noses from daycare dribbles.


Anonymous said...

Yes, a busy "spring" indeed! Hope we can all meet up again soon for a lunch/dinner! Would love to talk with you more this time 'round.

Mama Nabi said...

Hah. Have I mentioned how cute your kids are? No? I have this silly grin on my face that just won't go away, they're so cute!

Busy, busy, busy... I second the let's all get together soon idea... and maybe my a will meet your a FINALLY... :-)