For thanksgiving, we usually spend it with a friend's parents; This year, we hosted. We made a lovely turkey, i tried out a few new recipes including white wine tomatoes and shallots, pumpkin peacan pie, sausage and apple stuffing, ginger cranberries and maple glazed carrots. Amelie made thankgsgiving masks for everyone who came--and she assured me this is a longstanding thanksgiving tradition. She is very much into masks these days, which may have stemmed from going to puppet shows at the heart of the beast lately.
The pictures attached are the masks she made for the family. The baby was not available for this photo (she was napping), and the hubs was at the urgent care because he has a cough and fever that hasn't responded to the first run antibiotics. You can tell who is 'daddy' because of the purple beard--he is participating in 'no shave november' for work-related charity. And you can see which one is baby because she is has her tongue hanging out--an observation amelie made about the baby.
No-Shave November is OVER! Woo hoo!
Although, Gary told me that he's thinking of keeping some sort of facial hair around until Christmas so he can shave it weird and look "awesome" in the Christmas photos... great.
And how about you the overachiever with the Thanksgiving dishes? I was just thankful that I had to work and got to skip out on the family "fun" that happens at all family events.
Where are the pics on your bloggy? Did you get the lovely hospital-grade version of thanksgiving dinner? Ahh, the memories.
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