Breastfeeding education is a large part of my job and i really enjoy it. I hope to one day be a certified lactation consultant (early next year, looks like?) and i think it will help my career as a nurse practitioner. Although
my toddler is not currently breastfeeding, I talk about breastfeeding with my toddler whenever we talk about babies. She's exposed to friends who are breastfeeding, my screensaver is the above pic, and when she got a dolly that came with a bottle, i would always remind her that the baby could breastfeed too. I know, i know...She's only 2 and i doubted any of it she really understood. But with the new baby on its way, i have been emphasizing it more than usual because i have heard from other mothers of two that it can be difficult for the toddler to be patient with all the breastfeeding.
Just yesterday, she was playing with her dolly, giving it a bottle as usual, then she stopped and looked at me and said, "I'm gonna feed the baby with my nipples!" And that's what she did. I felt so proud.
A-chan doesn't like all the time I spend breastfeeding B-chan right now. It's takes time away from her. That's her only complaint. She's not interested, not one bit curious in the fact that I breastfeed. I think she equates it with owie mum mums instead of eating. Mum mum is supposed to be food in general, but she thinks mum mums are breasts. She has seen me put on lanolin. When she asks what I'm doing, the easiest way to get through to her is to tell her the lanolin helps with owies.
PA recently passed a law which gives mothers who breastfeed more public protections. I thought something similar had passed in MD or DC, but I can't find it.
Hi there! Followed you from Scooter's blog to thank you for your comment and to say how right your husband is, the Burley d'lite (if you can find a retailer) is $950 and so far that is in another state 850km away!
I breastfed both my son's till they wanted to stop, I think it was the best start they could ever have had. They know exactly what it means as a few friends have babies that are still being breastfed. Master 3yrs squeezed my breast not to long ago and was very upset that "You don't do the milk anymore" and that he has to drink cow boob milk!
I talked about breastfeeding with Katherine all the time and we never really had trouble once Oliver came around.
As far as getting certified goes... don't you have to wait until the test in the summer? I meant to try and test this year and then I forgot about getting the paperwork until too late. I'd better do it next year or else I'll have to take the class again, I think.
Ack--I guess you're right CTM, the exam is july. I was thinking of when i have to get my paperwork in by. How are you calculating your hours (we can chat about this at work, i guess)?
Puka: I would'a thought you'd be past 'lanolin stage!' I hope feeding is going ok.
Puleeez. She gets kicked out of a shopping mall for breastfeeding **right next** to the ads at abercombie or other such whore-store of half naked tweens! We can flaunt boobs in any other realm except for that they are made for.
LN's down to 2 or 1 boobie/boppy time a day. She did ask if she could eat her own boobie/boppy... I laughed and told her I'd like to see her try. I'm pretty sure she's close to putting 2 and 2 together and start trying to nurse her "friends".
This time around I had a small sore for about two days because I tried to breastfeed B-chan in the hospital lying down and half asleep. That's been it. However, I have dry skin all over, so I guess my nipples shouldn't be any different. That's why I use lanolin about once a day.
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